PDRB Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat pada tahun 2015 atas dasar harga berlaku mencapai Rp. 749,63 milyar, sedangkan atas dasar harga konstan 2010 mencapai Rp. 639,24 milyar. Sektor Pertanian masih mendominasi dengan kontribusi 56,67%, disusul 12,74% dari Sektor Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib, 10,28% dari Sektor Konstruksi dan 10,16% dari Sektor Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Reparasi Mobil dan Speda motor. Laju pertumbuhan tercatat 5,93%
PDRB of Pakpak Bharat Regency in 2015 at current prices reaches Rp. 749.63 billion, while on the basis of constant 2010 prices reached Rp. 639.24 billion. The agricultural sector still dominates with a contribution of 56.67%, followed by 12.74% of the Government Administration, Defense and Social Security Sector, 10.28% of the Construction Sector and 10.16% of the Big and Retail Trade Sector, Car Repair and Speda motorcycle. The growth rate was recorded at 5.93%.
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