Luas tanaman gambir adalah 910 Ha, Produksi gambir 1.527 Ton/tahun dan potensi investasi di bidang gambir masih besar dalam pengembangan tanaman gambir karena areal lahan terlantar masih luas. Sedangkan peluang industri pengolahan untuk berbagai turunan masih sangat terbuka lebar seperti teh gambir, permen gambir, sirup gambir, bubur gambir, tepung gambir, dll. Gambir banyak digunakan untuk bahan baku farmasi, bahan membatik, perekat, ramuan cat, pewarna tekstil, industri bir, antioksidan, tinta pemilu, dll.
Gambir plant area is 910 Ha, Production gambir 1,527 Ton / year and investment potential in gambir area still big in gambir plant development because abandoned land area is still wide. While the processing industry opportunities for various derivatives are still very wide open such as gambier tea, gambir candy, gambir syrup, gambier porridge, gambir flour, etc. Gambir is widely used for pharmaceutical raw materials, batik materials, adhesives, paint ingredients, textile dyes, beer industry, antioxidants, election ink, etc.
Gambir plant area is 910 Ha, Production gambir 1,527 Ton / year and investment potential in gambir area still big in gambir plant development because abandoned land area is still wide. While the processing industry opportunities for various derivatives are still very wide open such as gambier tea, gambir candy, gambir syrup, gambier porridge, gambir flour, etc. Gambir is widely used for pharmaceutical raw materials, batik materials, adhesives, paint ingredients, textile dyes, beer industry, antioxidants, election ink, etc.
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